Dr. Kuang-Ting萧 elected as a Fellow of the International Association of Advanced 材料(IAAM)

Posted on January 29, 2024 by Derik沃尔夫

Dr. Kuang-Ting萧 elected as a Fellow of the International Association of Advanced 材料(IAAM) data-lightbox='featured'
Dr. Kuang-Ting萧 elected as a Fellow of the International Association of Advanced 材料(IAAM)

Dr. Kuang-Ting萧, Professor of William B. 燃烧,小. 机械系 Engineering, was elected as a Fellow of the International Association of Advanced 材料(IAAM). The title of Fellow of IAAM is a notable distinction that the International Association of Advanced Materials confers upon researchers and scientists to recognize their significant contribution to the world of Advanced Materials Science, Engineering, 和技术. Dr. 萧 also received the IAAM Scientist Medal, presented after his invited Lecture entitled "Synergetic Advantages of Nanofiber Z-threads Reinforcement and Magnetic Compaction Force in 3D Printed Continuous Carbon Fiber Composites" delivered to the 57th Assembly of Advanced Materials Congress.

干得好,博士. 萧!
